I'm not sorry and neither is he..
There's a web site that professes to apologize for the actions of the majority of voters in the United States. It's pretty lame but the pictures are sort of entertaining and answer a lot of questions for me about the LLLLs. I laughed out loud at the pouty little faces and the fellow who is holding a sign proclaiming that 49% of the US is sorry we voted to reelect our president. Uh, hey, dropout, that's 48%. Of the Registered Voters. And a lot of people who didn't care, didn't want to get involved or were A-OK with letting the rest of us take responsibiity for their lives. Wimps.
The other 60,480,957 of us are pretty darned happy, in fact.
I found a site I like much, much better so I decided to send them a nice picture my husband and me originally taken by Oleg Volk and then shamelessly photoshopped by me.
Go visit We're Not Sorry and then send them your own picture.