Sunday, November 14, 2004


Post Election Selection Trauma, or PEST, as I am sure it will forever be labeled, especially by those of us who do happen to see these smuts as PESTs, is being treated as though it were actually a serious disorder.

The Florida-based American Health Association has released symptoms of what it calls "post-election selection trauma," or PEST, which include: feelings of withdrawal, feelings of isolation, emotional anger and bitterness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nightmares, pervasive moodiness including endless sulking, and being excessively worried about the direction of the country.
"Post-election selection trauma affects many people and they have a right to be taken seriously and to seek counseling," psychotherapist Rob Gordon of the AHA told the Boca Raton News. "This is a real need and we're a charity. This is not a matter of Republicans and Democrats.

I can agree with that. It's not a matter of party affiliation or political choices. It's a matter of making a PEST of yourself and the LLLLs are doing an excellent job of that.

Want some examples?
A young fellow, bastion of braininess, I guess, informs his cellmates at the
Democratic Underground, "the war is on" and then describes how, since our President was re-elected, every time he sees a Sports Utility Vehicle with a B*** sticker on it, he "hawks a loogie" on the windshield.


Bill Maher's official message board there is a 20+ page long discussion of the following:

At this point in time, would it be morally defensible to apply a "final solution" to republicans?

Let's face it, when Grover Norquist is doing the media rounds...when his agenda of eliminating all taxes on billionaires and letting the poor pay all taxes and carry the debt burdon, and let them scounge around in the garbage for food...builds character.....when THIS type of criminal extreme right wing "thought" is entering the's time for extreme action.

GW Bush and the American right wing Taliban are endangering the entire planet. If the rest of the world had a say, Bush and Cheney would be in jail.

Is it now morally excusable to organize midnight raids on republican groups in the red states and "terminate" them with extreme prejudice?

Watching Bush's acceptance speech on wednesday, with the Cheney's on stage as well....who would not have liked to see a bomb go off under the stage and wipe out the whole despicable slimy lot of them? And hopefully the shrapnel would have gone to the second deck and blown Mary Matalin's head off as well.

Be honest. Who would not like to see Karen Hughes run over by an 18 wheel truck? Who wouldn't like to see her carcass scattered all over highway 99?


And on the
Computer Hardware Forum (a normally relatively serious discussion board about computer hardware issues):

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 19:56:21 -0400,Michael Patterson wrote under the topic header GEORGE BUSH SUCKS DICK!:

FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!


They're all over the place it seems and I, for one, am tired of them.

On the other hand, I must say that if they really want to try organizing midnight raids, they should remember - we have all the guns.

And the balls, frankly, so I'm not real worried.